Friday, November 18, 2011

Follow Friday {1}

Hosted by Parajunkee

Q: Letter to Santa: Tell Santa what books you want for Christmas!

I might be crazy but Santa would be the most amazing man I have ever encountered if he surprises me with a glitch in my amazon account.  Where there is a never ending amount of money.  Buy a book and the money replenishes!
Holy cats!  Can  you imagine the mountains of Book Porn that would be in my house?!?!

I'm new here in the book blog-o-sphere!
Sorry to state the obvious...
I love books!
Stating the obvious again!!!


  1. I'm your first follower yay, I love the idea of Santa replenishing your Amazon account lol, here's mine

  2. Ah man, that would be SAH-WEEET! :D I want a Santa like that, too! :) Darn, how did I not think about it!

    Following back :) Welcome to blogosphere, enjoy your books and drop by often! :)

  3. No. # 2 Follower!

    Love the blog title..ha!


  4. I'm changing my answer to yours! How cool would that be?! I think I'd spend the rest of my life reading and still have piles of books.

    New Follower
    My Follow Friday

    Kristan @ Lost Amongst the Shelves

  5. Me tooooo! Though I'd settle for Amazon/Booktopia/Book Depository vouchers. I mean, we all have to make sacrifices, right? XD

  6. Hopping through. I was thinking of an Amazon IV drip, but a glitch in the account would work well too :-)
    New follower - I think. GFC is being weird. Welcome to Follow Friday!
    My Hop

  7. I would want the same glitch but on my Pay Pal account hehe

    Hopping Through

    - Kylie @ The Talking Teacup
